How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?
Reverse osmosis water purification is a method that removes contaminants from hard water. It will also produce excellent quality alkaline water that is pure and healthy for daily consumption.
Some companies use it for industrial purposes. However, the companies that do not use reverse osmosis are the city water treatment centers.
Because they recycle sewage water by treating it with chlorine and fluoride amongst other chemicals.
And not only is it nutritious, but it will also flush out your entire system, including your kidneys. Most companies use it for industrial purposes, and hospitals use it for cooking and patients.
God’s Chosen You Mus Wake Up
However, restaurants do not use reverse osmosis purification systems. They use tap water ‘to cook their food and wash dishes. That ‘being said. I would be careful what restaurant you eat at if you must.
Because tap water not only contains a hundred contaminants in it. ‘And has a disease called E. coli an infectious disease that grows in animal and human waste? Before I carry on.
My first topic is about water purification and the dangers of drinking tap water. I also blog on this same page about our gov. lying to us about our history.
Guess what Columbus did not discover America. It was the Egyptians who colonized America first.
Exposing The New World Order Conspiracy Theory
So, Let’s start with reverse osmosis water purification. It is a method that removes contaminants from hard water.
It will produce good quality alkaline water that is pure for daily water consumption. Some companies use it for industrial purposes.
However, the companies that do not use reverse osmosis are the city water treatment centers.
Because they are recycling sewage water by treating it with Chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals.
And not only is alkaline water nutritious, but it will also flush out your entire system and kidneys.
Ways To Heal Osteoarthritis Without Medications
Most companies use it for industrial purposes. And hospitals use it for cooking and sterilization purposes.
Reverse osmosis will produce excellent-quality alkaline water. That is pure and healthy for your daily diet.
Yet, restaurants do not use reverse osmosis purification systems. They use tap water ‘to cook their food and wash dishes.
That ‘being said. I would be careful what restaurant you eat at if you must.
E. coli has caused severe food contamination and poisoning incidents all over America. That prompts product food ‘and package recalls.
Adding chlorine and whitening it with alum. Which is aluminum melted down with sulfuric acid.
They are not using reverse osmosis systems because it is too expensive to buy and maintain. And they do not use chlorine water filters.
‘This is happening among restaurants too. Restaurants don’t use a reverse osmosis system.
I have worked for several restaurants that only use tap water. I started as a dishwasher when I was a kid and worked my way up to cook.
But, all the restaurants I worked at did not have a water purification system.
What Is The New World Order?
#YouTube Video
There might be a few restaurant owners that know about water purification. But I doubt it because they believe that tap water is clean.
And they cannot afford to buy reverse osmosis filtration systems because it costs thousands of dollars for restaurants.
I know because I used to work for Westinghouse selling their water softener machines and purification systems. It is more work and too expensive to maintain.
‘It would save the company money to do it inexpensively. To stop them from spending thousands. “How about that”.
The owners of several companies know nothing about the consequences.
It is possible to get cancer from tap water. Why? E coli, and hundreds of contaminants, that is why.
Over Stocked Food
But? ‘What about overstocked food and water? If the BPA gets overheated when you put a TV dinner in the microwave oven.
It will leak and contaminate the food. Furthermore, they have recently found E. coli in processed food packages.
Now how do you suppose that happened? It’s as simple as using your logic. They use tap water to process the food.
Thus, tap water has over a hundred contaminants. Not to mention, E-Coli that comes from animal and human waste.
‘If you knew what chemicals they use to process food, you would not be eating it.
They add these chemicals to process the food to give it a longer life expectancy. I ‘would not doubt it if they are replacing the end date.
The Annunaki Discovery
Selling their products at a lower price to save them from lost sales. In most products, I always see a stamp end date in ink. If it does not come with an expiration date I would not buy it.
The government uses our tax dollars and very seldom for our own country. Instead, they use our tax dollars to create war, space, and exploration “weapons”. Sent off to other countries to support them.
When devastated by a catastrophe event. “etc.” When it needs to be for our country’s needs and our environment, they instead’ send trillions of dollars somewhere else to other countries. to support them “etc.”
Suppose they can afford to spend that much money on other countries. ‘Why not spend it on a reverse osmosis system for our country for us to drink pure alkaline water?
Why not help with processing food made with vitamins and natural ingredients? With reverse osmosis alkaline water, instead of tap water.? Too costly for an overpopulated country.
Why Is The Gov. Keeping Secrets from Us?
Many things are kept secret from us. Because the Gov. is afraid that if we were ‘told that, ‘aliens do exist. There will be some ‘kind of global panic.
If we knew that aliens do exist. But it may not be the “President’s fault that the government is keeping secrets.
Because they are keeping secrets from him and us as well. Reverse-engineered alien spacecraft was one of them.
That has been going on since 1947, at Area 51, and other secret underground facilities. ‘This gives reason to believe that a conspiracy is going on.
Why is there a virus or pandemic happening every decade or so? It seems too ironic to be a coincidence.
Could the New World order be part of killing an overpopulated nation and world? To destroy an overpopulated world ‘with pandemics of all kinds every ten years is not a coincidence. How ironic can that be? Is it a coincidence? No.
Why are people still dying?
Update June 6, 2023: Jaimie Fox took the COVID-19 vaccine and became very ill and temporarily blind they say.
The vaccine created by Johnson & Johnson killed thousands of people. ‘This, of course, was a mistake, they said. ‘So how many mistakes before another million or so die? And some people were dying because of blood disorders. And allergic reactions to the vaccine.
There have been people who caught the virus, got vaccinated, and still saw the virus again. And it seems like the plan to kill an overpopulated nation and world.
Not to mention, I saw a video on YouTube that got removed from YouTube. Because; it went against the regulations.
A professor who had done a more profound study into the matter. And claim that the vaccine will take 35% of our life span away from us.
Exposing The Biggest Secrets About Our Government
Because it changes your whole immune system, replacing your cells. I am only stating facts of what I heard; I am not a scientist. And I do not condone anything. Whether he was telling the truth or not remains to be seen.
It still makes me wonder and come to a conclusion. That whoever created this virus again did it to kill off an overpopulated world.
Furthermore, it is not valid. Why are people dying of a virus, disease, and the flu that kills every ten years or so?
But this time, it is consuming the entire world; how ironic. My theory of it comes from the air we breathe. And I was right about it. I’ll tell you why.
King Solomon’s Testament and his 72 Demons
For instance. Why are they asking to wear a mask? Why did they advise us to stay inside the house except when needing certain groceries etc…
Second, I have seen YouTube videos of jets expelling some type of gas or smoke into the air more so than ever before. Made me think. And when something big happens like this. It is always blamed on China or some other country.
I heard that Elon Musk has already threatened Russia with suicide drones that can release a dangerous disease.
And this is called chemical warfare that has been done to us all over the world. To break down an overpopulated world through the new world order.
That’s right this has something to do with the New World Order. Before this pandemic happened.
I saw so many videos of several jets in the air spreading smoke like wildfire in the skies. So, to me, it seems like this is how they were able to spread it out worldwide.
How many times have we heard of chemical warfare? Okay, I rest my case. They are using on is now, I presume.
King Solomon’s Message to His Son Roboam
Is it possible that King Solomon’s secret Key and seals are capable of such power? That they would use it against us and the world? Or are they getting this kind of knowledge and technology from the aliens?
So far, I have seen a lot of tragedies that have escalated during the last decade. And it seems like it will get worse if someone doesn’t do something about it.
Do we want a nuclear war? No! Unless someone within the government blows the whistle like in other cases.
Some may think I am speculating. But again, how ironic that we have had pandemics and diseases every ten or twelve years. Once again, do you think this is God’s punishment for humanity?
No, it is only the devil in us all to think up some evil scheme to kill an overpopulated nation and world. And what better way to do it than to blame another country and vice versa?
Are You God’s Chosen?
I heard on the news that the vaccine has mutant cells. And they will replace your cells completely, taking over your entire system. Not everyone is ‘going to take the shot because this mutant cell is replacing our cells.
People are feeling sick because of the side effects. ‘Whenever something goes wrong, they always blame China.
Or other countries on the other side. Have you noticed? Believe me. I am concerned; about what is going to happen next.
Use your logic and experience to do searches on Google, and you will find lots of info on this topic and others. Tell you what.
The president and other gov. officials, famous musicians, and actors go to Bohemian Grove to perform human dummy sacrifices every year in front of a 30-foot owl. This 30-foot owl ‘is supposed to be the symbol of wisdom.
But it also represents the Goddess of the underworld from other cultures. It is said that Lilith is the Goddess of the underworld. Others say it’s Moloch. But make your choice.
They worship the Goddess of the underworld which one it is. The statue of St. Mary was supposed to have been placed on top of the white house.
But instead, it was replaced with the Goddess Persephone. Which is also called the Goddess of the Underworld.
Lilith also has feet like an owl’s talents on a statue I recently saw in a documentary. She is known to eat babies.
And could fly around snatching children when she got hungry. So there is a clue as to who the Illuminati sacrificed their babies to. Now you know. It was for the Goddess of the underworld!
So do you think they could be sacrificing real people like the Illuminati used to do with their babies behind closed doors? They have an ancient history of burning their babies as virgin sacrifices to Satan.
What if they are doing this to real people behind closed doors? Even the Mayans were doing things like that with their people.
It may be my opinion, but many have already said this. ‘Government officials attacked the World Trade Center to create a war for oil in Iraq. ‘Such a treacherous act against the people of the United States.
And other countries for political gain and power. They are sacrificing us for “their gain. It’s unacceptable in the eyes of God and mine as well ‘for that matter.
It seems like they are worshiping Satan through human sacrifices. For the power to gain; and control the world. Is that the reason they call it the new world order?
Looking at the dollar bill, you will find the owl on the right-hand side at the top, sitting on the corner leaves.
The dollar bill also has a pyramid on the back. This pyramid is ‘found in the book called; The Key of Solomon, which means to conquer, confuse, and control.
King Solomon warns his son Roboam. To hides the Keys and secret seals in his burial chamber when he passes away.
Exposing The Gov. National Park’s Deepest Secrets
Lest it falls into the hands of the wicked, but this has already happened. There have been many wars and pandemics every ten years or so with famines and diseases.
These keys of King Solomon have already been discovered and fallen into the wrong hands. The Knights Templar are the ones who found King Solomon’s treasure. And the secret Key and seals as well.
There are reasons why so many wars and famines are going around today. There are too many secret societies working together to kill an overpopulated world.
All the members of the Bohemian Grove including the President Governors. Senators, famous people, musicians, movie stars, artists, etc.
Go to a VIP camp at the Bohemian Grove to worship a thirty-foot owl every year. They are performing dummy sacrifices. What kind of religion is that? Human sacrificial religion?
The message to Roboam, King Solomon’s son, Was ‘to bury his secret Key and magical seals. In his burial chamber with him when he passes.
So that it will not fall into the wrong hands. But again, my friends have already happened.
Exposing The New World Order
And that is why we are having too much confusion, chaos, famine, and wars. I have seen some people blaming God for their loved one’s death.
But it is ‘Satan that is the governor of this world to punish evildoers. That is who the destroyer here is, not God.
God only allows him to punish the wicked, not his chosen ones. God made Satan the governor of this world because he is a God of love now war.
Satan was God’s general and set high on the holiest mountain as the Bible describes it.
‘He ‘and his watchers were only meant to watch and not mingle with humanity. But they did and rebelled against
God created a race of giants from the daughters of man. Genesis: 6:4. And the sons of God went unto the daughters of man, took wives for themselves, and created a race of giants.
Who is responsible for FDA Approval?
The one signing the petition to permit the FDA to approve anything. Would be the President and government officials. But like I said before. The President; might know everything that goes on behind closed doors, either.
Behind the same plan to kill an overpopulated world. How many years back has this been going on? And is this part one of the reasons people have been getting cancer?
Yes! Think about how many times they have detonated the nuclear bomb. With radiation in our clouds and acid rain coming down on us.
Your guess is as good as mine. And that is another part of the reason for global warming. I have heard it many times before.
‘That the government from all nations agree to kill and overpopulate the world. ‘To kill’ an overpopulated world.
A secret society was forced to go underground because they worship their deities for power and riches through human sacrifice.
Benefits of Water Filtration
Why We Should Drink Alkaline Water
Alkaline water is pure and nutritional and will flush all toxins out of your body, especially when acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to live and grow.
To ensure excellent quality, safe drinking alkaline water for your optimizable health. Water purification is a method that removes contaminants. The contaminants that dwell in your tap water come from recycled sewage water.
Tap water has hundreds of ‘contaminants. that are harmful to your health. ‘Causing viruses like Hepatitis C, Gastrointestinal disease, E. coli, and Helicobacter pylori.
Intestinal Gastric cancer, amongst others. It is disgusting that they would only treat it with chlorine and other chemicals.
And not with reverse osmosis systems only to shove it right back into our pipes for us to drink. And of course, the reason is to save the company money.
PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported
The water treatment centers recycle sewage water and send it back for us to drink. Saying it is okay to drink now. However, the methods they are using do not remove all the contaminants.
And some chemicals are dangerous to your health. So please do not drink tap water, known as hard water. Because it has over one hundred contaminants.
I could understand why the astronauts drink their filtered urine. But they are using reverse osmosis way of purifying it. They had no choice, but we did.
Intro to the Book of Enoch
And that is what you will be drinking if you drink tap water. ‘Chemicals and Metals with viruses and disease. Now you know how they have been working on us to kill an overpopulated nation.
So, they do it the cheaper way to save the company money. Chemicals in the water will only make it more toxic. To produce water that is clean enough to drink.
You would need a reverse osmosis system. If not, you would still be drinking the water with chemicals.
The chemicals stay in the water and are dangerous to your health. The rest of the metals, viruses, bacteria, and diseases the water has, are still in the water.
A chemical compound called (BPA (Bisphenol A) is made with plastic to make it harder. CNN reports that when a bottle of water is; left in a hot car. The chemical will leak into your water and will give you cancer.
And this is what causes the plastic bottle to get softer. ‘Because some of the BPA has already leaked into your water. So, is it not better to have a water purification system?
I have a 5 stage that I bought from Amazon. It was cheaper than the four stages I used to sell for Westinghouse, financed for $2500. I knew that
was a big rip-off. That is why now, I promote five-stage reverse osmosis filtration systems for as little as $139 or less. I also am an affiliate for Amazon and eBay’ where you can get them cheaper.
All in one Single
5-stage reverse osmosis $81.15
As you can see, alkaline water turns blue or purple with a chemical test. Here you will see the alkaline test I had done. And it turned purple. Because it has a high pH level depending on its alkalinity.
Alkaline water purification systems will produce the purest excellent quality water. Be safe by using reverse osmosis water purification systems. And, drinking alkaline water which is not only good for you.
It also helps flush out your kidneys and your entire system. It helps the digestive system by flushing out any acidic cells in your body. Acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow.
Alkaline water also serves as excellent plant irrigation. And when you use alkaline water for cooking your meals, it significantly changes the taste. You may have heard that there are many benefits of alkaline water.
Some say it can regulate your body’s pH. Level. And prevent chronic diseases like cancer, viruses, and disease; that they can have.
Is Sugar Good For You?
I did some research because of my weight problem and found that sugar retains 13 pounds of water in your system. And creates what is called sugar fat cells.
When you burn fat you are only burning the sugar fat cells and your regular fat cells don’t go anywhere.
You stay fat and continue to grow fat as long as you eat table sugar and sweet stuff with glucose like ice cream, candy, carbohydrates, juices, processed foods, and syrup for your pancakes need I say more?
And have also discovered that it will attract cancer cells as well. When I quit eating table sugar and cut down on carbohydrates.
I used to weigh 200 pounds and lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks. I would have lost more if I would have gone cold turkey.
And that was proof enough for me to give up sugar. Oh, one more thing I noticed before I found out is that my memory has improved dramatically. I thought it was my old age lol. Today I weigh 140 to 141 fluctuating back and forth depending on how much I eat per day.
I prefer a well-balanced antifactory balance. And at times I will eat meat but not too much of it. Meat can also constipate you, so I try to stay away from eating too much of it. And especially pizza which is too much cheese. That is major constipation for me lol. But you see that fluctuating what you eat intake as they say will help you not only to stay healthy but live longer.
I used to tease my Dad long ago before he passed away. He would eat pecan ice cream day and night let me tell you he was also a glutton for salt. And I would tell him you know eating too much of that will kill you in the long run. He would reply, Oh well you got to die of something some day. And of course, anyone with sense would listen to my advice because it’s like committing suicide.
And you know it would be breaking one of God’s ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill because we are killing ourselves slowly but surely. When we punish our bodies like that and not watch our health, it is a slow death wish. My father died at the age of 69 of high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
That was a confirmation of my warning to him because I did care about his health and the too much of every sweet and salty thing he was eating day and night before bedtime. That is why I call it punishing ourselves. Because it is another way of saying we are gluttonizing ourselves to death. And that of course you know that gluttony is a sin too right lol. So, the bottom line is that too much of any good or bad thing will kill you someday.
And if you think of eating meat at night please wait a while before you go to bed like a couple of hours for your food to digest a little. Because going to bed right away will take longer for your food to digest and thus turn into constipation. But the worst Addicting drug out there is sugar. Not that it is a drug, but it is dangerously addictive to all of us because it is hard to quit.
We all got used to eating candy, ice cream, soda, and mostly donuts and cream cakes ouch. Need I say more lol. Pancakes with lots of Syrup not to mention those popsicles. The only thing I would touch now every once in a while is dark chocolate because it is good for your heart. I do my research and I never stop doing research.
And I know that sugar bloats you up like a balloon, constipates you, and hurts your lower intestine when you eat too much of it. Sugar will retain 13 pounds of water in your body. And when you exercise you only burn regular fat cells but not the sugar fat cells. And thus, will remain in your body and grow while you eat sugar every day, like for coffee, tea certain foods, etc.
Till you get fat as a pig okay. So take my advice and stop eating table sugar for one. And try eating dark chocolate when you have a sugar craving. Something more healthy like honey as well. By replacing the sugar with honey for your coffee, tea etc.
Do You Believe In Ghosts, Demons, and Spirits?

But it did make a big difference when I quit eating table sugar. No need to spend money to go on a diet or exercise, just stop eating table sugar and you are good to go.
You will not feel bloated again, I’ll guarantee that as a witness to my good health now. I am truly balanced out with my friends and in excellent shape.
Here is a little technique I used because of my sugar addiction it was so hard to quit. I used honey in place of it that’s all. Now I use honey in my cat’s claw tea.
That is another remedy for longevity. And prevents cancer amongst other good remedies to heal your body. It also improved my energy. I am telling this from experience.
This old man lived to be a hundred and twenty and they found this in his system. Cat claw reduces inflammation and fights viruses off such as quinovic acid glycosides.
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