I used to remember dreaming about making it big someday. ‘And had the desire to be either a scientist or a lawyer. My life did not go quite as well as I wanted it to. But every mistake I would make, I would chalk it up to experience.
Every time I fell, I got back on my feet and; “kept moving forward till I succeeded. Making mistakes is part of life, and this is how we learn. We learn from our mistakes.
Exposing The New World Order Conspiracy Theory
I struggled most of my life and worked at different factories to make ends meet. ‘When I decided to take college courses for I.T. I wanted to know how to build a website from scratch. ‘Because I had “an interest in blogging and affiliate marketing.
When I was young, I loved art and wanted to paint building boards. But Later on, I changed that to taking shop classes. I learn so much about sheet metal and machinist work. And build my first tool box and screwdriver. So all I could do was move forward no matter what. But I also thought about how to use the right marketing tools to build a website.
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on building your website with no experience needed.
I always listened to the older folks talk about important matters in life and learned a whole; lot from them. I always respected my elders and those who had respect for me.
I went on to take more ‘at another college treated being working with air conditioners. ‘Well, I still went from job to job looking for that right career.
And never felt comfortable with any of them until I found something I liked and loved to do. Which was blogging.
I started looking for ways to join work-at-home programs that could help me make ends meet. I had been through a couple of them till I came across Wealthy Affiliate.
And I must say it beats taking I.T. classes because I learned at an accelerated pace, and not only is it easy to understand, but it is also fun.
So, this is what I have wanted all my life. A job that not only am I going to enjoy but have fun with, as well.
Jaaxy is one of the best if not the best ‘keywords;
tool search engines for affiliate marketers.
I was working; for a company that sells water purification filters for homes or businesses. And I had already known how to sell their products.
The only thing is, once you run out of leads, you do what they call in Australia a walkabout.
I was walking the neighborhoods, door-to-door stuff. So now that I have come across a way to work from home, I have expanded my services to help others get the product my company sells affordable and easy to install under your sink.
The one thing I can tell you about how I climbed that letter so fast within a year. Was because I worked hard at it.
Even thou at times I had to start over again. It is not as hard as you might think. In fact, I loved it. I enjoyed it immensely.
And when you find a job that you enjoy time goes by fast when you’re having fun. At the same time, you will develop special skills on your own once you get the hang of it.
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The reason for my wanting to help others is simple. We have a recycling sewage water problem.
With hundreds of contaminants in tap water. And our water treatment centers are not using reverse osmosis systems.
My job is to chemically; test all water. ‘From groundwater to bottled water. I have also decided to give out the information to people that need to know how to fix this problem.
My website has many products, but my main concern is to ‘be; in good health. And use water purification systems. ‘Which will produce alkaline water.
To clean your entire system’ and to kill all acidic cells that are housing for cancer cells to grow. That is why I am concerned for everyone’s health.
‘The goal of my site is to make sure we know how dangerous it is to drink tap water. But I have a solution to solve this recycled sewage water problem ‘we are having.
And to expose the city water treatment centers that recycle sewage water and send it back to us to drink.
They only use chlorine and fluoride to clean the water, but the chemicals ‘still remain in the water. And it still did not filter out most of the contaminants that it contains.
The main one to be concerned about is E-Coli. That comes from human and animal waste.
Yes, E-Coli comes from sewer water. ‘This is why they call tap water hard water. ‘This is why it is essential to test the water we are about to drink, whether tap or groundwater.
Groundwater is ‘contaminated because of farming pesticides and herbicides. The chemical sinks deep into the ground and contaminates the water, thus making it dangerous to drink.
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Take advantage of the free 7-day video lessons on building your website without experience. And if you do not join within the 7-day period.
You get to keep your website free of charge. But if you do ‘join’ you get a $200 discount on the yearly premium plan. We also have monthly ‘plans.
Website Owner: Tony
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