Reverse osmosis systems will work on removing all salts and sediments. And will allow only the good minerals to pass through the membrane.
That is processed with sand filters and carbon. Using those screw-on little metal tap filters will not remove contaminants or chemicals.
Exposing The Biggest Secrets
Thus, water purification methods are in use for a variety of purposes. including medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, and industrial companies.
In addition, reverse osmosis purification systems will also eliminate the chemicals. It suspends particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, and diseases.
To name a few, they are Chlorine, Calcium, Magnesium, Mercury, Aluminum, and E-coli, which come from animal and human waste, and so many more.
Tap Water Is Hard Water
There are over 100 contaminants in our tap water today. And all that our treatment centers are doing is that, treating the water. To make it worst they add chemicals as well.
Thus, Chlorine and other chemicals like fluoride and Alum to whiten the sewage water. Alum is nothing more than aluminum melted down with sulfuric acid. This is why aluminum is found in tap water.
But that water they are treating is also coming from your toilet. Yes, that’s right, they are treating sewage water and sending it right back into our pipes for us to drink.
King Solomon’s 72 Demons
When I first found this out. Not only was it a disgusting thought, but I was furious at the fact that they only add chemicals. And this is why there are so many contaminants and diseases. But with a reverse osmosis system, you will taste the difference. And is nutritious for the body.
5-Stage Stainless Steel Countertop Filter
And to name a few. Aluminum, Copper, Magnesium, Arsenic, Chlorine, Helicobacter pylori, Pathogenic bacteria, Calcium, Gastrointestinal Disease, E-coli, Fecal Coli-forms, and many more. Consequently, E-Coli comes from animal and human waste.
And it’s in tap water because it’s recycled sewage water. Reports ‘from the members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association.
The tainted food has cost the food industry billions of dollars in recalls. Lost sales, and legal expenses. Simple methods such as boiling your water or the use of household carbon filters are not enough.
Even natural spring water was safe back years ago. But, now you have to test it, because of farming pesticides, and herbicides.
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Furthermore, a balance of water in your body will help in preventing diseases related to fluid imbalance. Such diseases can and will affect organs such as your kidneys, and lungs.
When your body fluids are balanced. The pH level measures 7.4 (alkaline). And is also the pH level of your blood. So if the level is higher it’s still even better. Alkaline levels are from 7 to 14 on the TDS scale. The chemical test for alkaline water will turn blue or purple.
Acidic Bottled Water
This is a picture of a test done on a bottle of water that turns yellow because it is acidic. Acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to live and grow.
So, It is better to use a reverse osmosis purifier. Think of how much you can save monthly or even yearly from ever buying bottled water again.
Even spring water needs testing. Purified water has several benefits. such as purification which will remove any inorganic minerals.
And, helps with the risk of getting cancer and the removal of toxins, and its fresh taste. Again this is why it is great to drink and enjoy the benefits of alkaline water.
Is Table Sugar Good to Eat?
No, table sugar is one of the no. one addicting drug killers in America. Sugar will not only bloat up and make you constipated. But will also retain water turning the sugar into fat cells.
Therefore, no matter how much exercise you do. You will only burn the sugar fat instead of your natural fat cells. They remain and you keep getting fatter each day eating table sugar.
Moreover, sugar attracts cancer cells as well that will grow in your body. Sugar also clogs your memory, because I am a witness to that.
I have experimented on myself to quote eating sugar for a week. That means cutting down on carbohydrates and candy.
I could go cold turkey because, hey we use sugar in almost everything from coffee, to tea, foods.
And don’t forget processed foods like syrup with glucose to eat your pancakes. Hey, how about chocolate ice cream which is my favorite.
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My friends, I weighed 200 pounds and I lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks. And that was only half-stepping. But persevering and cutting down brought me positive results. My memory has improved,
And every once in a while, I might drink a thick slush to make up for lost time lol. But I did it my way. I regulated my body and balanced out what to intake and not too much of it.
I guarantee you will start feeling better and more energetic. Because sugar will make you sluggish as well like it did me. I wake up early in the morning with energy. No more dragging out of bed.
So, good luck if you decide to quit eating sugar too, or regulate it as much as possible. I don’t eat sugar at all. I won’t touch it but I might drink something sweet. Ice Cream might be once in a blue moon. No need to exercise or pay for diet programs no more.
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